Saturday, October 4, 2008

Sarah Palin can't talk good.

Professor Henry Higgins' judgment of women in general in "My Fair Lady" was curmudgeonly and unfair. But it does seem true of Sarah Palin in particular: "[Sarah is] irrational, that's all there is to that. [Her head is] full of cotton, hay and rags." And maybe a little moose stew to boot. Even Republicans seem to realize McCain chose a bimbo as his running mate, now that it's too late to kick her off the ticket.

I contend that a person who can't construct a decent sentence can't frame a rational thought, either. Sarah Palin speaks English the way a salad shooter fires out sliced vegetables: quickly and indiscriminately. We have cringed for eight years over Shrub's mangled English. We don't need more word salad in the Executive branch (Yes, Sarah, the VP IS part of the Executive branch. I don't care what Dick Cheney told you.).

In the following Slate article, a brave diagrammer takes on Sarah Palin's "sentence constructions." Be sure to drop breadcrumbs as you venture into the dense underbrush of her verbiage. If you get lost, follow the crumbs back to the beginning of the sentence and try again.

Sarah's tongue-tiedness is all the more amazing since all of her answers were scripted on notecards. Apparently, she doesn't read well, either!

The sentences of Sarah Palin, diagrammed

Can Sarah Palin's sentences stand up to a grammarian?
By Kitty Burns Florey
Slate Magazine - Updated October 1, 2008


So let's take a crack at a few of Palin's doozies. From the Katie Couric interview:

It's very important when you consider even national security issues with Russia as Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where—where do they go?

A diagrammer doesn't care about who "they" are in that last stuttered question or fuss over the problem of the head-rearing Putin coming into our "air space." A diagrammer simply diagrams. I didn't have a clue about what to do with the question that ends it. Otherwise, in its mice chase cats way, the sentence is perfectly diagrammable.

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